As you may know from this post, I love a good tote bag. Forever slinging my book and lunch in one on my way to work, there is never a day I don't carry one. Feeling rather crafty, I decided to embrace my 'make-do' side and get to grips with a do-it-yourself tote bag. Without a sewing machine however, and no basic sewing skills what so ever, I decided to embark on the cheats way. Heh. I mean - who really has time to sew their own tote when you can buy a perfectly plain cotton tote for a small sum on Amazon? Exactly! Glad you agree. Lets jump in...

You will need:

- Cotton tote bag - Amazon (£1.76)
- Fabric 
- Ruler and pencil
- Fabric glue
- Thread and needle
- Buttons or decoration 
- A4 piece of paper
- Iron

1) To start you will need to cut out your piece of material for the tote bag. Positioning the fabric on your bag, roughly work out the size needed by drawing lightly on the reverse side of the fabric the rectangular piece. I used the beautifully floral Clarissa fabric from Laura Ashley, roughly 35cm height x 29cm width. To ensure no creases, I pressed (fancy word for iron) both the fabric and tote bag before I began.

2) To prevent the fabric piece from fraying, I pressed down each side of the bag with an iron and did simple stitches along each side in pink thread. This doesn't need to be perfect - I think it looks better a little messy, though I might be saying that to cover up my hideous stitching!

So it looks a little like this!

3) Next it's time to glue the fabric piece on the bag, you could take a short cut and stitch it directly on but it's a bit tricky to not sew the actual bag together. (Really bloody annoying.) I used some basic fabric glue from Hobby Craft via my Gran, who gave the very clever tip of popping a sheet of A4 paper inside the tote bag just incase the glue seeps through the material, it won't stick the bag together - top tip! 

Spread the glue evenly and place in position. Leave to dry for an hour or two.

4) Though the fabric glue is a nifty little thing, it's not that strong. I took a cream thread and went along the seams stitching it to the bag. At each corner I did a cross stitch and then once every three pink stitches.. as seen in the photo above.

5) Next it's time to decorate, as you can see I went for over the top girly kitsh. Who doesn't love pearls and buttons eh? I picked these up very cheaply from The Works, as much as it pains me to say but Hobby Craft is way over priced. Simply stitch where ever you fancy and make sure to attach well. The crafting world is your oyster (pearls yeah? gettit?).

6) Flip the bag inside out and trim the loose pieces of thread, you don't want something inside the bag to pull on the thread and a button pop off! Then turn the right way and iron the bag to ensure the fabric lays flats and looks it's best. Then ta-dah! I feel like I'm on Great British Sewing Bee.

I also had a go at decorating a laundry bag I also purchased from Amazon, perfect for taking away on holiday for underwear or storing socks (mine always do a disappearing act after they've been in the wash). These are super easy to make and could also be the perfect handmade gift. 

Decorations on the laundry bag.
Whilst baking might not be my thing - disaster zone central -  crafting is definitely more up my street. Even if it's slightly stressful, what with loosing the needle twice and be covered in pink thread for days, it is.. quite fun. 

Do let me know if you have any questions or you give this a go! And please do leave suggestions of what I should try my hand at next. If you're in need of inspiration one of my favourite crafting bloggers is the hilarious Jojo at Mis Jojangles, she literally knits everything. Go follow. 


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