Looking back over these photos nearly kills me, serious holiday blues right here. I had an absoluty incrediable time in Cuba and am very thankful to my parents who took me! I'll let the photos speak for themselves - utter paradise i think you'll agree! - but past the sunny beaches i learnt in-depth about the Cuban culture and took in the history of the country, if i had it my way, i would have bought a one way ticket!
I could live on this beach!
Cuban Mojitos & Cuban Coffees
Impressive yet bloody scary Lobster.
Mango hedgehog for breakfast each day.
Little jetplane to Havana
Ernest Hemmingway's bar for more Mojitos.
Lemon and Strawberry Daiquiris!
Rum Bacardi headquarters.
Thanks Dad.
I would definitely recommend a trip to Cuba to anyone, we stayed at the Melia Las Dunas based on a tourist only island called Santa Clara. It was beautiful but being only a tourist only island slightly limits you from seeing the real Cuba, beyond the all inclusive rum and pool hotel. Although, my dad, brother and i had am amazing trip to the capital Havana which was one big history lesson in itself.
There are always dramas that follow the Sandiford family on holiday, my mother got bitten 46 time by pesky mosquitos meaning a round trip to hospital for a nasty jab, i shared my hotel room with a lovely fellow otherwise known as a lizard, i drank more rum in that two weeks than hot dinners, i know the entire (cuban-born) Pitbull album off by heart and i made enemies with a rather large crab that tried to break down my balcony glass door at 2am every morning, oh and to top it off i lost weight (picky eater) only to be piled on the returning flight (its the pringles!). Oh and how could i forget! I saw the worlds longest man-made cigar and befriended a Cuban granny who took a shining to me. Impressive.
Of course i couldn't resist duty-free, both Cuban and Gatwick wise, so look out for those posts. If you fancy seeing more, yes more! photos, have a nose on my facebook albums one & two.
Now who wants to jet off back to Cuba with me?
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