I'm torn.
i love Whit, but Olivia is just so damn fierce!
I've been eagerly awaiting the second series of The City for a while now, i'm so over The Hills is untrue. I cannot bare to watch ceiling eyes Audrina, Stephanie's god awful eyeliner, not even mentioning Hedi's Frankenstein transformation and bloody Kristen! To me, personally the The Hills was all about LC - sob! But, truth be told I'm kind of glad Lauren got out at the right time and kick started a 'real' career, having cameras trailing around you all day can't be a bunch of roses all the time. (But of course, even though I've just justified about six reasons not to watch it, i still will.. trashy 'reality' TV at it's best).
But enough of The Hills, it's all about The City! Last time we left the girls, Whitney had moved in with Roxy, the annoying, put your foot in it room mate and yet Whitney is taking her fashion designing to another level. Olivia was at Elle, being editor of accessories (srsly- if that is all i need to do to get into this industry, mtv give me a show now!) but completely pissing off Erin, getting in to more cat fights and squabbles that could fuel a whole other mini-series. But left Joe, i love Joe, with an ultimatum, one must go! So i caught up with the latest episode online, i'm not sure when it airs here, but probably not till forever.
I don't want to spoil it for you ladies, but the first episode revolves around Whitney's first Fashion Week show with only one week to prepare, under the critical eye of Kelly Catrone and Bergdorf Goodman buyers, can her last minute collection wow without Roxy shoving her nose in? Will Olivia and Erin finally come together and put the past behind them? You better watch now!
i also have some spoiler alert! photos of the up and coming series..
this post is in dedication to the many changing faces of Erin, part of me only watches to see her expressions!
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