The latest beauty craze is actually crazy. The new must-have beauty accessory is the Chanel transfer tattoos! They were seen all over their Spring/10 collection, following on from all the lace, intricate beading and embellishment, the transfers present a vintage, delicate design to one's body. Featuring the iconic two C's -the Chanel logo and adorned with lace patterns, they were seen snaking and twisting up models legs and arms on the runway in Paris. Available to buy in Selfridges and the Chanel boutique from March 1st, 'Les Trompe L'Oneil de Chanel' - a set of 55 individual transfers will be sold for £49.00.
I'm slightly torn by the idea, im eager to purchase these transfers, the intricate, beautiful patterns are calling me to buy. But, am i only drawn to them a) because apart from cosmetics, it currently the only piece of Chanel i can afford or b) it has one great novelty factor?
I think it falls to the latter of will i look like: a chic, Parisian model or 13 year old thats had a good rummage in Claires? - i think we know the answer, but im still swooning.
What are your thoughts?
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