The Only Survival Guide You’ll Need This Holiday.
Receive a rubbish gift? Its so awkward when you get given a really useless present, that you’ll never, ever use. Well smile politely and act grateful, because Recycle A Gift is an online swap shop where you can trade any unwanted DVDs, CDs and books for cash. Just pop in the product code, name a price and wait for somebody else to snap it up.
Too broke to afford Christmas? Don’t be a scrooge; there are plenty of ways to save money over the holidays. Firstly, swap expensive nights out with friends for cocktail nights in or have a romantic night in with the boy. Even if you are going out, become the designated driver so you don’t waste money on expensive drinks, think of it as a cheap, early detox. And finally, ditch the Christmas cards, go online and send e-cards - free and environmentally friendly
How to tackle ‘your still single’ from distant relatives and irritating friends? Simply tell them you haven’t met the right person and you will defiantly not settle for any less, they must surely agree too? Then swiftly change the topic to another area of excitement in your life: new career move/ new holiday booked/ amazing experience/ new designer bag. (Delete as appropriate)
How not to make a prat of your self at the Christmas party? Firstly stick to one type of acohol, do not mix drinks as this definitely spells disaster. Never, ever rely on tit tape – far too risky. Don’t ever be tempted to telling the cute guy in accounts that his thick-rimmed glasses look oh so sexy. And never be the last to leave.
You’ve attempted to make Christmas pudding and mince pies that resulted in nearly calling the fire brigade? Easy, three little words. Marks and Spencers.
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