under the weather

Hello me dearys,
I've got the dreaded lurgy... flu and pinkeye... unlike some rabbits I don't naturally have pink eyes so it looks awful and I am hiding inside with my largest YSL sunnies on watching movies and daytime tv on the sofa with my paws up. I've even been off my food which is not like me at all. Sonny even tried to tempt me with his infamous beetroot brownies but all I've managed is a few sips of carrot juice (thanks Irene for the suggestion) which brings me to this adorable picture from flickr member Maria*PA who looks after some of the most adorable of my cousins. look at the sign; good for what ails yer! so sweet...

bunny kisses
Fifi Lapin

p.s. I heard about a couple of bits of press today which cheered me up, a bit in the USA Metro about affordable art and one of the LeSportSac bags in USA today if anyone has a copy of that I'd love to see it


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